We work to empower rural Haitians to improve their livelihoods.
We currently work with partners to support a Tree Currency Program in the communities of Medor, Sarrazin, Cerca Carvajal, Saint Jean du Sud, Cote de Fer, and Chauffard. We assist other communities to a lesser extent.
We help:
- Local rural Haitian communities get organized in order to improve living conditions and increase wealth.
- Qualified rural high school school graduates by providing university scholarships so they can earn degrees in agronomy, veterinary medicine, business, and other fields of study with the promise to return to their communities as professionals and assist in local wealth creation.
- Farmers who participate in the Smallholder Farmers Alliance’s Tree Currency Program, tending trees in the tree nursery, transplanting them on the mountainsides, earning “tree credits” that can be redeemed for agricultural training, crop seeds, farming tools and livestock, increasing their income an average of 50%.
- Women from farm families by providing microcredit loans for small businesses, increasing family income.
- U.S based leaders and community leaders looking for proven, effective ways to participate in agricultural based grassroots community development efforts.